Why do I love to running? All I need is a good pair of sneakers and off I can go regardless of where I am. The sport makes me feel alive.
When one does something she/he loves it makes them feel empowered. When we feel empowered we can overcome obstacles. When I am training for a race be it a 10K, ½ marathon or marathon, I have to respect the training. By respecting the training, I’ve learned how to create other disciplines in my life that weren’t there before an example is keeping a food journal. How often would I start and stop keeping a food journal, 100 times… As a runner there is no stopping. The question becomes when am I going out for my next run. Even if I haven’t run for a while the next run is always on my mind and before l know it I have my sneakers on.
endorphins and that helps us manage stress. More importantly, when life felt as if it was spinning out of control running was something I could control. I didn’t have time for an hour long run, but 20 minutes, 15 minutes, and even a 10 minute run gave me a positive sense of control in my life. It cleared my thoughts. The length of the run wasn’t important it was the act of running, lifting 1 leg and then the other, one step at a time. The shortest runs provided amazing benefits. I could cry or be angry on a run. It created space for my feelings that I had repressed. As a runner it provided the emotional release I so desperately needed in order to function as a care taker, a wife, a sister, a friend and still have a piece of Shari (me).
I love to run because I can. What is it you love to do? Do it!